Therapy is a crucial aspect of mental health treatment, but unfortunately, it is often surrounded by various myths and misconceptions. These misconceptions can prevent individuals from seeking the help they need and can lead to stigmatization of those who do pursue therapy. Therefore, it is imperative to debunk these myths and provide accurate information about therapy.

Generally, these misconceptions about therapy create significant barriers for individuals who consider seeking help. The misconceptions surrounding therapy can lead to feelings of shame, embarrassment, or fear of being judged. This stigma may prevent people from reaching out for help, prolonging their suffering, and delaying potential healing. These barriers can prevent individuals from accessing the support they need, exacerbating their mental health struggles and inhibiting their personal growth.

Additionally, therapy myths contribute to the overall stigma surrounding mental health and seeking therapy. When society perpetuates misconceptions about therapy, it reinforces the notion that seeking help for mental health concerns is something to be ashamed of or hidden. This stigma can prevent individuals from openly discussing their struggles, seeking support from friends and family, or pursuing professional help when needed. Consequently, the negative impact of therapy myths extends beyond the individual seeking therapy, affecting the broader societal understanding and acceptance of mental health issues. By debunking therapy myths and promoting accurate information, we can contribute to reducing mental health stigma and fostering a more supportive and understanding society.

9 Common Myths About Therapy:


  1. Therapy is only for people diagnosed with a mental illness
  2. Therapy is a quick fix
  3. Only weak people seek therapy
  4. Therapists just listen and give advice
  5. Therapy is expensive and inaccessible
  6. Therapy is life-long
  7. Online therapists are not as good as In-Person therapists
  8. Therapists are secretly judging you
  9. Therapy is solely focused on analyzing childhood experiences

#1: Therapy Is Only For People Diagnosed With a Mental Illness

This misconception stems from the belief that therapy is solely focused on treating severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. However, therapy is not exclusive to those with diagnosed mental illnesses and can be beneficial for anyone facing challenges in their lives.

Therapy is a valuable tool for personal growth, self-improvement, and maintaining overall mental well-being. It provides a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Therapy can help individuals gain insight into their behaviors, develop coping strategies, improve communication skills, enhance self-esteem, and manage stress. It is not limited to treating mental illness but can be utilized by anyone seeking support, guidance, or a place to process their emotions. Therapy can also be utilized as a preventative approach. Individuals may seek therapy during a positive chapter in their lives to help maintain good mental health and prevent the development of more severe issues.

Dispelling the myth that therapy is solely for individuals with mental illness is crucial in destigmatizing therapy. By understanding that therapy is a resource available to everyone, individuals may feel more comfortable seeking support and addressing their emotional well-being. Therapy is not a sign of weakness or a last resort but rather a tool for personal growth and self-care.

#2: Therapy is a Quick Fix

Let’s begin this by addressing the “fix it” mentality. Therapy is a process and is not as simple as taking medication and feeling cured. While medical treatments can cure diseases and predict healing time, mental health treatment is more complex. Negative beliefs and maladaptive behaviours are not a disease, they tend to vary greatly between individuals and often have deeply rooted underlying issues. Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and progress can vary for everyone.

Therapy is a gradual and ongoing process that involves exploring and understanding one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. It is unrealistic to expect immediate results or a complete resolution of all problems after just a few therapy sessions. Healing and growth take time, and therapy is a journey that involves ups and downs. It is essential to be patient and trust the process, as lasting change often requires consistent effort and dedication. Building a strong therapeutic relationship and maintaining open communication with the therapist can help you navigate through the challenges and make progress toward the desired outcome.

For therapy to yield meaningful and lasting results, it is crucial to recognize the importance of long-term commitment and active participation in the therapeutic process. Therapy is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing journey toward self-discovery and personal growth. It requires regular sessions over an extended period, allowing for the development of a trusting relationship between the therapist and the client. This relationship provides a safe and supportive space where individuals can fully engage in the therapeutic process, explore their concerns, and work toward positive change.

#3 Only Weak People Seek Therapy

This myth suggests that seeking therapy is a sign of weakness or inability to handle one’s own problems. However, this notion is far from the truth. In reality, seeking therapy is a brave and proactive step towards personal growth and mental well-being. It requires a great deal of strength and self-awareness to acknowledge the need for help and take the initiative to seek professional assistance. It is important to understand that therapy is not exclusive to those experiencing severe mental health issues. People from all walks of life, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses, can benefit from therapy.

Engaging in therapy involves facing difficult emotions, exploring past traumas, and working through challenging experiences. It takes strength to be vulnerable, to confront uncomfortable truths, and to actively participate in the therapeutic process. By addressing and challenging this misconception, we can create a more supportive and understanding environment for individuals who are considering therapy.


#4 Therapists Just Listen and Give Advice

Contrary to popular belief, therapy is not just about listening and giving advice. Therapists are trained professionals who use a variety of therapeutic techniques and interventions to facilitate personal growth and healing in their clients.

While it is true that therapists listen to their clients, their role goes beyond simply hearing what their clients have to say. Therapists engage in active listening, which involves not only hearing but also understanding and empathizing with their clients. They pay close attention to verbal and non-verbal cues, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of their client’s experiences and emotions. In fact, active listening is a skill that everyone can benefit from. Therapists model this to clients who can then implement the skill in their other relationships.

Therapists do not give advice or tell clients what to do. Based on their expertise and knowledge, therapists offer insights and perspectives that help clients gain new insights into their situations. They help clients develop coping strategies, problem-solving skills, and healthier ways of thinking and behaving. Therapists also provide emotional support, offering validation and reassurance to clients as they navigate their challenges.

In addition, therapists rely on evidence-based techniques that have been proven effective in helping individuals overcome various mental health issues. These techniques may include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychodynamic therapy, and many others. Therapists tailor their approach to each client’s unique needs and goals, ensuring that the interventions they use are appropriate and effective. It is a collaborative process that can be empowering to clients as they feel actively involved in the therapeutic process.

#5 Therapy is Expensive and Inaccessible

While therapy can be costly, it is important to note that there are various options available that cater to different financial situations. Many therapists offer sliding scale fees based on income, making therapy more affordable for individuals with lower incomes. In addition, some insurance plans cover therapy sessions partially or in full, further reducing the financial burden. Online therapy platforms are now easily available and accessible to those who have difficulty going into in-person offices. This allows individuals to receive therapy from the comfort of their own homes, making it more convenient and accessible. Furthermore, many therapists offer evening and weekend appointments to accommodate different schedules, making it easier for individuals with busy lifestyles to access therapy services.

In addition to private practice services, there are several community resources and support groups available that can provide mental health support at little to no cost. Non-profit organizations, community centers, and universities often offer counseling services or support groups that are accessible to individuals who may not be able to afford private therapy. These resources can be a valuable alternative for those who are concerned about the cost of therapy or are unable to access it.

Mental health knows no boundaries and affects individuals from all walks of life. It is crucial to debunk this misconception and spread awareness that therapy is not exclusive to the wealthy or privileged.

#6 Therapy is Life-Long

This myth can be daunting as signing up for a life-long commitment may come with increased pressure and potential for failure. Therapy is unique to each case and individual. There is nothing wrong with attending therapy for the rest of your life, but you don’t have to. Collaboratively, therapists and clients set therapeutic goals at the beginning and throughout therapy. Once goals are accomplished, there is no pressure to continue seeking therapy. Conversely, if you decide to leave therapy before said goals are accomplished that is also your decision.

There is always a choice in therapy and your therapy experience will be what you make it.

#7 Online Therapy Is Not As Good As In-Person Therapy

In both cases, your therapists are licensed, trained, and knowledgeable about the concern(s) you bring to therapy. If COVID showed us anything, it is that online/virtual therapy has the potential to yield the same results as in-person services. Ultimately, this comes down to the preference of the client. Some clients enjoy making a routine of leaving the house and having an in-person interaction, while others appreciate the convenience of engaging in therapy from the comfort of their own homes. To learn more about the benefits of online therapy, read this.

#8 My Therapist is Secretly Judging Me

One of the core beliefs psychotherapists hold is to create a safe, non-judgmental space for clients to explore their inner world and hardships. Therapists are not sitting there judging you, most often, therapists are utilizing active listening skills and determining which interventions to apply next. At a human level, therapists are sometimes even holding back their own emotions in response to your hardships as they are people too! It’s important to understand that therapists are humans, who also experience hardships and sometimes relate to client traumas. It is their job to bracket their opinions, feelings, and thoughts on the matter, so they can support clients more effectively. Furthermore, the therapist’s opinion on the matter is not relevant and is often not front of mind as clients are the priority and the experts of their own story.

#9 Therapy is Solely Focused on Analyzing Childhood Experiences

Although childhood experiences are often a strong indicator of adult patterns and behaviours, therapists do not force topics upon clients unless they choose to investigate them. The focus on childhood experiences also varies greatly depending on the presenting issue(s) brought to therapy. For example, if a client is choosing to heal childhood traumas as they recognize their effect on romantic relationships, it is likely that they may be open to exploring their attachment style, family dynamic, childhood significant events, etc. Whereas a client who is seeking therapy to learn coping strategies for work stress may choose to focus solely on the present. Therapists are not digging for issues that do not exist, nor are they directing sessions on their own agenda. Therapists facilitate clients toward accomplishing their goals and assess cues to determine when certain topics are relevant and appropriate to discuss.

In conclusion…

Debunking therapy myths is essential in promoting mental well-being. By summarizing the main points discussed above, emphasizing the positive impact on individuals’ willingness to seek therapy, and encouraging open conversations and education, we can combat therapy stigma and create a society that values and prioritizes mental health.

If you are interested in seeking therapy and debunking these myths experientially through your own experience, visit our website and book your first session today. We offer free phone consultations so you can determine which therapist is the right fit for you.

If you or someone you know is looking to begin online therapy and you reside in Ontario, Canada, please do not hesitate to contact us at We offer a team of psychotherapists who treat a variety of mental health concerns with individuals, couples, and families. Visit our website for more information.